Zitat des Monats Quote of the month
Der Weg bildet sich dadurch, dass er begangen wird. The path is formed by the fact that it is travelled.
(Chuang-Tzu) (Chuang-Tzu)

The use of Aikido

For the beginner of Aikido its very important to avoid following behaviours in case of an attack:

  • to react stiff and rigid (to be surprised by the attack),
  • directly confront the attack (blocking).

The student must learn to release the body and immediately, if an attack action is observed to move. The moment you move, you’re relaxed. If the attack reached the contact distance, the evasive maneuvers begin, usually with a circular motion. Where until recently the target (eg head) of the attacked persons was, the attack comes to nothing.

It is important that the movement flows from beginning to end. By pausing the attacker gains there will be an ability to launch a new attack by yourself. With such a distance, the situation can be assessed by observation. As often arms of different lengths are used, the distance must be flexible and adapted to circumstances.

Now it is time to get the attacker off balance. If he has no firm stand anymore, he will not resist, and you can use a litter technique or detention.

Another point of great importance is the assessment of the distance. In Aikido, the distance is about two arm lengths.

Often, you need to be much faster than the opponent. Speed is not only response time but also ability, the distance between yourself and the opponent to reduce or enlarge it. Part of the training is therefore in the acquisition of acceleration force. You also have to acquire a sense of time calculation. Having a good time calculation, means having the ability to harmonize your own movements with those of the partner, in other words to respond to the actions of the other one in an appropriate manner.

To the three main components meet distance, speed and time calculations, you have to get the posture of aikidoka correct.

The student must learn to release the body and immediately, if an attack action is observed to move. The moment you move, you’re relaxed. If the attack reached the contact distance, the evasive maneuvers begin, usually with a circular motion. Where until recently the target (eg head) of the attacked persons was, the attack comes to nothing.It is important that the movement flows from beginning to end. By pausing the attacker gains there will be an ability to launch a new attack by yourself. With such a distance, the situation can be assessed by observation. As often arms of different lengths are used, the distance must be flexible and adapted to circumstances.

Now it is time to get the attacker off balance. If he has no firm stand anymore, he will not resist, and you can use a litter technique or detention.

Another point of great importance is the assessment of the distance. In Aikido, the distance is about two arm lengths.

Often, they you need to be much faster than the opponent. Speed is not only response time but also ability, the distance between yourself and the opponent to reduce or enlarge it.
Part of the training is therefore in the acquisition of acceleration force. You also have to acquire a sense of time calculation. Having a good time calculation, means having the ability to harmonize your own movements with those of the partner, in other words to respond to the actions of the other one in an appropriate manner.

To the three main components meet distance, speed and time calculations, you have to get the posture of aikidoka correct.

Aktuelles: News

April April

alle Trainings laufen normal

11. Mai: Aikido Vereinslehrgang mit Brahim Si Guesmi

all training courses as usually

11. May: Aikido course with Brahim Si Guesmi