Zitat des Monats Quote of the month
Der Weg bildet sich dadurch, dass er begangen wird. The path is formed by the fact that it is travelled.
(Chuang-Tzu) (Chuang-Tzu)


DI Andreas Flamm

Fachbereichsleiter Aikido und Iaido

  • 5th Dan Aikido (Aikikai)
  • 4th Dan Iaido (FEI)
  • Shidoin (Aíkido)
  • Shoden (FEI – Iaido)
  • Certified Aikido trainer
  • Trainer at the Sports Institute at the University of Vienna (USI) auf der Schmelz
  • BSO – Certified Sports Manager II
  • Certified exercise instructor in UGOCHI children’s sport

Andreas has been practicing Aikido since 1993, and has been interested in training work from the start. For several years, his aim has been to pass on the enthusiasm for Aikido to others.

Since October 2005, he has been teaching sword handling at USI auf der Schmelz.

DI Dr. Ute Kutschera

(Children´s Training)

  • 2nd Dan Aikido (Aikikai)
  • 3rd Dan Judo
  • Certified Judo Teacher

Ute has been practicing Judo since 1986, and Aikido since 2003. She has several years of experience in Judo training for children, and is using the experience she gained there in her Aikido childrens’ classes.

Practicing Aikido techniques requires a lot of concentration, a particular challenge for children. Therefore, playful elements are used during training in order to give the children a break.

Aktuelles: News

April April

alle Trainings laufen normal

11. Mai: Aikido Vereinslehrgang mit Brahim Si Guesmi

all training courses as usually

11. May: Aikido course with Brahim Si Guesmi