Zitat des Monats Quote of the month
Um gut zu lernen, muss man wieder ein Kind werden, unwissend, neugierig und motiviert. To learn well, you have to become a child again, ignorant, curious and motivated.
(Pascal Krieger) (Pascal Krieger)

Aikido principles

Ueshiba created the principle of non resistance, a violence-free path of self defence. By coordinating his or her movements with the movements of another person, he or she can learn to adopt the movements of the other person as his or her own, to control it and thus neutralize the attack.

Through this, harmony is re-introduced and peace can prevail. Ueshiba only did what was necessary to control the attacker, with causing minimum bodily harm

Aktuelles: News

Juli/August July/August

Iaido montags von 6:30 bis 7:30 Uhr

Aikido mittwochs von 19:00 bis 21:00 Uhr

Iaido on Monday from 6:30 to 7:30

Aikido on Wednesday from 19:00 to 21:00