Zitat des Monats Quote of the month
In der Einheit des Charakters besteht die Vollkommenheit des Menschen. The perfection of man lies in the unity of character.
(Immanuel Kant) (Immanuel Kant)


In the middle of the 16th century lived Hayashizaki Jinsuke Shingenobu (1546 – 1621), the founder of the Batto-Jutsu school. He was the 1st Sokei (head) of this sword school. He is considered to be the origin of our present sword school. Since that time there have been many sword schools, some disappeared faster others survived the time.

One of these schools that survived the time is our school, the Muso Shinden Ryu. The founder of this school is Nakayama Hakudo Sensei.

The 7th Sokei was Hasegawa Chikaranosuke Eishin. He lived at the beginning of the 17th century. He developed a special form that allows the sword to be drawn from the tatehiza. In the tatehiza, the left leg is bent under the body, while the right leg is erect. Eishin also changed the way the sword is carried in the obi. Since him, the blade is carried upwards. This allows an efficient way to draw the sword. This handle is called Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu. We know this form under Hasegawa Eishin Ryu.

The 9th Sokei, Hayashi Rokudayu Morimasa (late 17th century) had the kendo teacher Omori Rokurozaemon Masamitsu. He taught him a form where the sword is drawn from the sitting position, the seiza. We know this form under the name Omori Ryu. The 16th Sokei Nakayama Hakudo Sensei (1869 – 1958) classified the movements that we know today under the term Muso Shinden Ryu and added a twelfth kata to the eleven forms of Omori Ryu. These twelve katas form the first level, Shoden, of our school and are practiced from the seiza. They can also be practiced from a standing position, Tachi Waza. Ten forms of Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu are classified as Chuden, the second level. These are performed from the tatehiza. The third level, Okuden, of our school come from the Oku Iai. Okuden is divided into two. Eight forms are practiced from the Tatehiza, while ten forms are performed from the Tachi Waza.

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Mai May

3. Mai Erwachsenentraining startet um 19:15 Uhr

9. & 10. Mai kein Kindertraining

11. Mai: Aikido Vereinslehrgang mit Brahim Si Guesmi

20. Mai kein Iaido Training

26. Mai Sommerfest

30. & 31. Mai kein Kindertraining

3rd May adults training starts at 19:15

9th / 10th May no children classes

11. May: Aikido course with Brahim Si Guesmi

20th May no Iaido class

26th May summer party

30th / 31th May no children classes